Code Enforcement - Public Nuisances
The City of Plainview is committed to maintaining quality neighborhoods and an excellent community environment. Our citizens expect us to do everything we can in this regard. We know that this can only be achieved through the cooperation of everyone involved.
In July of 2019, the City updated the City Code to make enforcement and abatement of Public Nuisances easier and more cost effective for the City, including adding administrative fines for enforcement actions. You may download the new City Code related to Public Nuisances below.
New Administrative Fines are as follows;
Administrative Fines (pursuant to City Code Section 702)
Public Nuisance – First Offense in 12 Month Period $ 50.00
Public Nuisance – Second Offense in 12 Month Period $ 100.00
Public Nuisance – Third Offense in 12 Month Period $ 500.00
In addition, violators are responsible for 100% of the cost of any abatement, including staff and attorney's fees
If you have received a warning or violation letter, we encourage you to do everything possible to voluntarily clean up the property and avoid legal abatement action. The legal abatement process can be expensive for you as property owner, with the costs being assessed to your property if not paid for.
The City’s objective is to clean up the community and improve the living environment. We are willing to assist residents and businesses in any way that we can, with the exception of delaying the clean-up beyond what is appropriate. We hope that you will work with us to maintain a positive community environment.
If you have any questions or need further information, please call City Hall at 507-534-2229.